Posted by: nickrunner | February 13, 2009

A good drinking game

This is a good drinking game that I learnt 19 years ago as a student. It was taught to me by my journalism classmate Theuns Laubscher and, as you will see, one learns how to play this game the hard way.

It is a countdown (or rather count-up) from one to eleven, along the lines of “On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” and it gets more difficult as one goes along.

The gamesmaster or -mistress (who has to know the whole story even when extremely drunk) begins with the first line – “One fat hen” – and then everyone in the circle must say the line in turn. After that the second line is added, so that everyone now has to say “One fat hen, a couple of ducks”, and so it goes on until everyone must say all eleven lines in turn.

Hesitation, leaving out stuff,  saying the wrong things or mispronunciation leads to a penalty drink for the offender.

Usually, when it gets to line number five or six, people are exasperated by how difficult it seems by then. But with all the repetition, line five eventually rolls smoothly off the tongue while the players are now struggling with line nine or ten.

I most recently played it one night on the ship off which I did my scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, and it was great fun.

Here is the whole thing. Enjoy!

  • One fat hen
  • A couple of ducks
  • Three brown bears
  • Four running hares
  • Five foxy females fixing for a fight
  • Six stinking skunks sitting on a stump
  • Seven slimy Sicilian sailors solemnly sailing the Seven Seas on a ship
  • Eight Cockney sock cutters cockily cutting socks
  • Nine nubile nymphomaniacs nibbling nicotine and Nick-Nacks on the Nile
  • I’m not the pheasant plucker, I’m the pheasant plucker’s son – I’m only plucking pheasants ’till the pheasant plucker comes
  • I’m sailing down the river on a flat-cut punt, not a punt cut flat



  1. Reminds me of a song we used to sing at summer camp:

    One hen

    Two ducks

    Three squawking geese

    Four limerick oysters

    Five corpulent porpoises

    Six pair of Don Alvarso’s tweezers

    Seven thousand Macedonians dressed in full battle array, hey!

    Eight brass monkeys from the ancient sacred crypts of Egypt

    Nine apathetic, sympathetic, diabetic old men on roller skates, with a marked propensity towards sloth and procrastination

    Ten lyrical, spherical, diabolical denizens of the deep who haul quay around the quo of the quivvy of the quarry, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

    Eleven neutramatic synthesizing systems owned by the seriously cybernetic marketing department, shipped via relativistic space flight through the draconian sector seven

    Plus at least one more line which eludes me at the moment.


  2. we did a homebrew similar, and we called the game “one one fat hen” which was catchier than one fat hen.

    one one fat hen

    two skinny geese

    three brown bear

    four running hare

    Five simple simons sitting in a pool smiling

    Six sinful maidens swimming in a brook

    seven sailers sailing the seven seas on a pirate ship

    8-11 were similar to the origional with some minor changes but since we were drinking i dont remember them haha

    and for twelve we did “Twelve: f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f***, Twelve”
    and the rule was, you just had to say twelve then drop the F bomb 12 times rapidly then repeat twelve. If you said f*** the wrong amount of times, forgot to say twelve before or after or if you got caught counting on your fingers, you fail. the counting on the fingers gets so many people haha

  3. I think my friends and I had a better one:
    1 fat hen
    A couple of ducks
    Three brown bears
    Four running hares
    Five fat fickle females sitting sipping scotch
    Six Sinbad sailors sailing the seven seas on their sloop
    Seven stump sitters sitting on their stums
    Eight egotistical egotist echoing their egotistical ecstasies
    Nine nude nubiles nibbling nibbling gnats nuts and nicotine
    Ten, I never was a fig nor a fig plucker’s son, but I’ll be plucking figs till the fig pluckers come.

  4. one hen
    two ducks
    three cackling geese
    four pourpiling porpoises
    five limeriking oysters
    six pairs of Don Alfredos favorite pairs of tweezers
    seven Mastidonian warriors dressed in full battle array
    eight brass monkeys from the secret sacred ancient crypts of Rome
    nine nibbling gnats nibbling nimbally at nepricorns
    ten two ton two tone transcontintal trailways toot toot tooting to tucson

    I learned the in the a
    Air Force in Germany about 1970

  5. The version that I learned 40 years ago went like this.

    One Fat Hen
    A couple of Ducks
    Three Brown Bears
    Four Running Hares
    Five Fat Females
    Six Sicilian Sailors Sailing the Seven Seas
    Seven Simple Simons Sitting on a Stump
    Eight Egotistical Egoists Echoing Egotistical Ecstasies
    Nine I Slit the Sheet, the Sheet I Slit, Upon the Silted Sheet I Sit
    Ten I am Not the Fig Plucker but the Fig Plucker’s Son and I won’t Pluck the Figs Until the Fig Plucker Comes.
    Eleven Schist on You Pister, Your Not So Mucken Futch Yourself, and That’s Your Whole Trucken Frouble.
